by Adaptainer | Feb 16, 2015 | Container Conversion
7 recycled shipping containers used to create trendy ‘Container Bar’. Austin, Texas is well known for its young and hip residents so if there was ever a place to build an 8000 sq. ft. bar made from brightly painted shipping containers, it’s got to be here....
by Adaptainer | Jan 26, 2015 | Container Conversion
Sitting in a small humid space isn’t everyone’s dream – for the health conscious steam lover though a portable shipping container sauna conversion might be absolutely ideal. Toronto based design company Castor created the Sauna Box in 2005, since then...
by Adaptainer | Dec 11, 2014 | Container Conversion
Can comfortable, upscale living and old shipping containers really go together? One Kansas woman’s container home creation is turning heads. By day Debbie Glassberg designs children’s toys, but recently she took on the extra challenge of converting 5 shipping...
by Adaptainer | Nov 28, 2014 | Container Conversion
How does the idea sound of living in a cute shipping container home with beautiful surroundings and no utility bills? Ever! 2 men from Seattle made it happen. Key ‘Studio 320’ shipping container home facts 320 sq ft shipping container retreat home built...
by Adaptainer | Oct 13, 2014 | Container Conversion
Lack of space in Ebola medical treatment centres is a huge problem that needs a solution It’s utterly harrowing to watch the latest TV reports of people infected with Ebola in Africa being turned away from medical treatment centres, because there isn’t...
by Adaptainer | Sep 25, 2014 | Container Conversion
Watch step by step as man from Northern Ireland builds a dream home out of 4 recycled shipping containers. If you’ve ever told anyone about your idea to build a shipping container home it’s likely that you’ve faced some scepticism. This was true in the case of...